

Tired of your job?

Ever since we were in school we dream of what we’ll do after high school, after university, after prom, etc. Surprisingly we all come down to one thing that we’ll like to do: work.
When you start working you have a lot of spectations about growing in a company, having a freat income and as every one else suceeding overall; but what if after you start that wonderful job you’ve been dreaming about it turns into a nightmare and you feel like for quiting or just improving your situation. Trust me I have been there so here are some advices you should follow in case your dream job turns into an ugly dream:

1. Analize the situation: what is happening? Is it temporary or has it been like that for a while? what are your other income options? and if you dont have one what can you do to get another job or income source? who can you talk to?

2. Talk: Go to your superior and explain you situation as polite and structurized as you can, and give a couple of weeks to see what happens after you explained how you felt about the situation. Remember that in the mean time you should update your resumeé and start looking for another job in case the situation doesn’t change.

3. Ultimate Notice: If after the 2 weeks or whatever time your superior told you to wait you dont see any change, talk one last time and give them one month notice before you turn in your resignation letter and also to give you time to fiend something else to do.

4. If something goes wrong: In case that you haven’t been able to get another job in that month don’t turn in your resignation letter and tell your superior that you’ll like to remain in company for some more time and that you feel better about the previous situation(lie if you have to), this will buy you some more time before you get to the “finale”. Remember you should continue searching for another job.

5. The “finale”: Once you have found another job, make sure that before you start working to set things straight with you new employer and this situation doesn’t repeats itself, make a little paper, some sort of a contract where the new employers clearly state what the job offer is from the very begining and whatever they are offering you for now and for the future and have them sign it as you will to in case something happens. Deliver you resignation letter and get ready for your new, sucess granted and all clear job.

Hope this was helpful and good luck!

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