

Keep Walking:

Even thou you feel hopeless and heartbroken
Even thou life turns its face on you
Even thou everything might seem like is going nowhere
Keep walking, there is something that awaits for you in some place not too far away even thou you think you’ll never get there, keep walking.

Even thou you feel like you’re running out of air
Even thou the solitude and the darkness fill out your heart
Even thou if living makes no sense, no more
Keep walking, in some place with in the darkness that surrounds you, you’ll find a glow in the dark that will direct your way and will give you hope so, keep walking.

Even thou you feel like you’re walking around in circles going nowhere
Even thou if the pain is so strong that it makes you stop
Even thou the sky stars are falling down and burning your skin
Keep walking the lonely road of the loving unloved and even if you never get to find the one thing that keeps you alive, keep walking and some how the universe will make up for all your grief and pain.

Esthermarí Luna V.
Saturday, June 30, 2007


Looking for a job? Got good english?

For futher information send an email with your questions to:
To sumit your resumeé send an email to this address:
PS:The shifts available are from 3pm to 12am and from 11pm to 8am.


To believe or not to believe? That is the question.

Since you're born in to this world something much more than your family genes comes with you, it's not the the bad habbits or the inteligence but the religion.

Most of the times you're not even able to choose what to believe, they just start taking you to a church or their religious communities meetings and before you know it you're part of them whether you like or not. That's not really the worst side of it because maybe in time you'll identify yourself with your adquired religious believes but if you don't that could cause you many personality problems and you may even feel cohibited from many things that are completely natural but badly seen with in your church or religious community.

These sort of things might cause high amounts of alienation that from a humanistic psychological point of view is highly harmful to your wellbeing and even your self esteem if you don't find a healthy way to deal with the situation.

During my studies of the most followed religions in the world I have discovered a few things:
1. There is only one God creator of everything there is, no matter how you choose to call it or in what you believe.

2. You'll never be able to please everyone in your community or church so be concerned to do only what feels ok for you and forget everybody else.

3. Every religion has a bright side that the believer agrees with and another one that always gets in their way but still have to abide by.

4. No matter what you believe in, we are all part of vast universe and brothers in life.

Remember it's your choice to believe or not in something, but some times they are some situations that neither you or science can explain and you'll always have to return to something greater than yourself, that human kind choosed to call God. The next step is up to you, what are you going to do?


Tired of your job?

Ever since we were in school we dream of what we’ll do after high school, after university, after prom, etc. Surprisingly we all come down to one thing that we’ll like to do: work.
When you start working you have a lot of spectations about growing in a company, having a freat income and as every one else suceeding overall; but what if after you start that wonderful job you’ve been dreaming about it turns into a nightmare and you feel like for quiting or just improving your situation. Trust me I have been there so here are some advices you should follow in case your dream job turns into an ugly dream:

1. Analize the situation: what is happening? Is it temporary or has it been like that for a while? what are your other income options? and if you dont have one what can you do to get another job or income source? who can you talk to?

2. Talk: Go to your superior and explain you situation as polite and structurized as you can, and give a couple of weeks to see what happens after you explained how you felt about the situation. Remember that in the mean time you should update your resumeé and start looking for another job in case the situation doesn’t change.

3. Ultimate Notice: If after the 2 weeks or whatever time your superior told you to wait you dont see any change, talk one last time and give them one month notice before you turn in your resignation letter and also to give you time to fiend something else to do.

4. If something goes wrong: In case that you haven’t been able to get another job in that month don’t turn in your resignation letter and tell your superior that you’ll like to remain in company for some more time and that you feel better about the previous situation(lie if you have to), this will buy you some more time before you get to the “finale”. Remember you should continue searching for another job.

5. The “finale”: Once you have found another job, make sure that before you start working to set things straight with you new employer and this situation doesn’t repeats itself, make a little paper, some sort of a contract where the new employers clearly state what the job offer is from the very begining and whatever they are offering you for now and for the future and have them sign it as you will to in case something happens. Deliver you resignation letter and get ready for your new, sucess granted and all clear job.

Hope this was helpful and good luck!

Does he love you?

If you are the kind of girl that is dating a guy of very little words, that never says anything and you feel that he’s not giving you any love or attention, you need to read this.

This type of man would never say I love you even if he loves you, is not in their nature. But they constantly do little things like sharing there food with you, they give you a spot in their couch, some of their beer, they lend you the car or the mobile phone, to them those things is not just saying the L word but so much more.

So if you are the girl dating one of these guys don’t preasure them and always be in the look out for those little things that say you mean everything in their lifes even thoug they dont speak it up.

For questions or counseling write to the following

Good Luck!

Do you know what IP is?

Now a days everybody is so much in to computers you feel kind of left out sometimes, well here is a little something to keep you updated.If you have a friend that is crazy about computers and telecommunications you have probably hear them say: Oh I’m gonna ping my IP or something like that. And you look at them with empty eyes with absolutly no idea of what they’re talking about, but thanks to this it won’t happen again.

IP stands for Internet Protocol, every computer that has enabled internet service is assigned an IP address with witch their computer is recognized by the World Wide Web(www) and allowed to have a connection and access to the web.

Next time some one says anything about IP, make sure you let them know you’re informed and just to show off, tell them to go here if they want to check their IP adress or even you in case they ask.
If you wan to check what is your IP address go here:

